We are excited to announce that Medic is one of 20 EMS agencies in the country participating in a clinical trial in collaboration with Atrium Health: the Pediatric Dose Optimization for Seizures in EMS (PediDOSE).
The trial standardizes dosing of midazolam for pediatric seizures in a prehospital setting based on age. This simplifies the calculations for care providers and is expected to decrease the number of patients who arrive at the ED in active seizure, greatly improving outcomes. The study ultimately may impact how EMS treats pediatric seizures in the future.
The study will be implemented over a four year period and will result in changes in how paramedics determine the midazolam dose, which route(s) they use to give it, and the sequence of recommended actions in the protocol. Paramedics will receive in-person training about these changes before the revised seizure protocol goes live. The study will not affect how the ED team treats seizures, but certain patients will have an EEG placed upon ED arrival in order to definitively know if they are seizing or not. After paramedics hand off care in the ED, they will take several minutes to provide additional information to the study team through direct conversation with a research coordinator, leaving a voicemail message for the research coordinator, or completion of an electronic survey.
To read more about this study, please visit the study website: www.texaschildrens.org/PediDOSE